Wednesday, July 4, 2007

One garden

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to spend most of my time in my backyard piddling in the dirt. I don't know what it is about flowers and dirt, but it lures me in like a fly in molasses. A month ago, I was bemoaning the fact that my hydrangea and rose of sharon bushes probably would not bloom. We were zapped so hard by the 19 degree temperatures in April that the buds froze and fell off. But lo and behold all perennials are in perfect working order and blooming their little hearts out.

I planted a blue hydrangea the spring after Bill was born. It is officially 18 years old. It must love the soil where it lives because I really don't do much to it. This year was the first year that I really cut it back because of the damage. I love to give friends and neighbors cuttings of that bush! There is a remarkable bond between gardening friends, is there not?

I have four o'clocks that have seeded beds as far away as Big Sandy, Texas and southeastern Arkansas. My aunt tells me she thinks of me when her four o'clocks open. My mom used to call me her morning glory--even though she didn't care for gardening--she never wanted to get dirt under her nails!

As I plucked, pruned and planted yesterday I was gently reminded by the Holy Spirit that pruning is essential to the spirit filled life. God has pruned me up one side and down the other this last month! I thought a lot about conversations, my speech and thought patterns every time I ripped out a stubborn weed. My, my how they grow if not tended to!

And as I gently pruned my summer companion, the blue hydangea, I thanked God for the reminder that He loves me enough to cut away the old, dead branches to make way for new foliage that grows more beautiful with time. I will try to scan some photos of my small flower beds if I can figure out how to do it without breaking the laptop!

If I can coax Bill or Joe into taking some pics with the digital camera today, I will post them later. Until then, have a blessed Fourth of July!

Jan (quiltgirl)

Uplifting stories from a Mom's heart