Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I'm Back and Badder than Ever!

Greetings and Salutations!

Yes...my laptop is back from major surgery. It was stripped down to the bare nuts and bolts; cleaned, polished, and looks good as new! I am a happy girl to have my baby back.

So...today is the fifth day that Joe has been home with the flu. I, Dr. Mom, have diagnosed influenza. Even though we all get flu shots every year, at least one of us gets the flu. And this year...it is Joseph. I went to Wal Mart at 9:00 last night to purchase another bottle of Delsym and I got the last one. All the cold/flu medicines were sold out. The pharmacist said it hit hard this weekend. Around here, when the college kids return to campus they bring a whole lot of germy critters with them. And unless you are Bubble Boy, chances are you're gonna get some germy critters too.

So, enough about that. I have something fun to report. A friend recommended me as a guest writer for our state convention's newspaper. I am writing five (very short) Sunday School lessons for March (or is it June?) I can't remember. I just know that the deadline is February 8th. The topic is on faith. I am so excited! I am hoping to work on those this afternoon after I finish the 17 piles of laundry multiplying on my laundry room floor. It's so weird being asked to write. I don't know why--I guess because I don't really consider myself a writer. Never have. I've just lucked into a few writing assignments here and there. I did semi-flipout over the paragraph that asked for a glossy photo of myself. That was all I needed to have my roots colored, eyebrows tweezed and colored, and a trip to the Clinique counter for a some overdue firming cream for my crow's feet.

On another note: this is HILARIOUS.
This morning I awoke around 8:00 am. Since Joe is ill, hubby has let me sleep in (is he a great guy or what?) I looked over and saw my dog, Ozzie, sleeping on hubby's side of the bed. Not just curled up, mind you, but head on pillow and covers up to his neck. It was like those photos you see at Hallmark of the Weimerainers dressed in people's clothes. For a second (a very short second) I pondered on how the dog managed to pull the covers up since he has NO THUMBS.
I heard hubby laughing from the bathroom. He was up at 4:30 thinking about work and took advantage of the quiet morning to do a little computer pecking. (By the way, hubs was the one who put the dog in the bed--for any of you sleepy siestas out there) Ozzie is now curled up on the sofa dreaming about the power of opposable thumbs...

Well........that about wraps it up for me. I shall attempt the laundry now if I can wade my way into the laundry room.

Until tomorrow,

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Where does it all go?


My laptop is still in the operating room undergoing major surgery--although I have no idea what the IT guy is doing to it. This is my last day to play on my son's fancy schmancy laptop since he is moving back to the dorm tonight. Which brings me to my thoughts for today:


We celebrated Bill's 19th birthday at Shogun Steakhouse on Friday. It was our ninth year to celebrate at that particular restaurant. We have a Polaroid commemorating each one. (compliments of Shogun) My, my how quickly our son has grown from a boy to a man. (complete with facial hair--Bill, if you read this, that was for you sweetie...)

Joe got his driver's license and he is off with my minivan every chance he gets. They may call it the "loser cruiser" but it gets he and friends where they want to go! Which, today, is at the Razorback basketball game where they will indulge in popcorn, Cokes, and cotton candy. And of course, a little HOG calling.

I opted to stay home due to arthritis pain. This time of the year becomes more painful because of the cold weather. Sunday School and church is about all the sitting I can do for one day. So...I shall keep my post short because I don't want to sit here very long...

Pastor Floyd rocked the house today. He preached on giving yourself to others. Being passionate about it. Putting others first. Doing the right thing when no one but God is looking. Doing your very best in everything as if you're doing it for the Lord. As I sat and listened, I was reminded once again that I CAN give my all to my housework, laundry, cooking, cleaning, sewing and other MARTHA stuff. (and no, I am not talking about martha stewart. although, my friends do call me that on occasion) As I watched Bill blow out his birthday candles I recalled how fast his time with us has gone--and how glad I am that I was able to stay home and spend precious time with he and Joe.

Hollywood and the drive-by media don't give housewives a fair shake. But...it doesn't matter what the world thinks, does it? Investing in the lives of our husbands and children is a most rich and valuable investment. Even when the dirty gym shorts fill the hampers and empty Coke cans are everywhere. When the pizza boxes and dvd boxes are stashed here and there. When I can't run the dishwasher fast enough to keep up with the load! Yes, it went fast. But what a fun ride it has been--and I still get 2 more years with Joe...

I hope you all (my five readers) have a blessed week. Until then,


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to my friends in Blogville!

I am sitting here watching my beloved Hogs get stomped by the Missouri Tigers. It is now halftime which means that the pot of chili "blending" in the crock pot is ready for consumption (this makes the three men at my house very happy...) Even if the Hogs lose, the chili was good. I mean, we're talking priorities, right?

My computer is in the hospital which explains why I have not posted in such a long time. I hope to get it back before Jesus returns because I am totally lost without it. Which shocks my teenage sons because I am forever asking them how to do simple tasks on my poor, sick HP. Since Bill is home from college I have LIMITED access to his sleek, black HP laptop. I feel so computer savvy just clicking away on this baby!!!

So...a little bit about the holidays. Let's see...on Sunday the 23rd, I started a three day long "vomitfest" which nearly killed me. No amount of popsicles, Sprite, or gingerale was tolerated by my poor body. My rheumatologist was in Austin so I had NO ONE to call in some good drugs. I kept thinking I could finally lick it on my own, which, if your know me, you know that I have never had a decent immune system. Oh, the power of positive thinking... I looked so lovely on Christmas Eve...I could have played a corpse on Law and Order if they had called. On Christmas morning we found a doctor who was able to call in some good medicine and within 8 hours I was back to normal.

I must admit that I have never opened Christmas presents from the horizontal position.


I sooooooooooo don't recommend it. But all in all, they guys had a good time. They even told me that I could hold my own in a POWER PUKE CONTEST !!!! You young mothers of boys out there: This is a huge compliment. May you join me some day in the company of such talent...

I have tons more to post, but halftime is over and it's time to call those HOGS.

Hogs and Kisses,

Uplifting stories from a Mom's heart