Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Good afternoon, bloggy buddies! Yesterday, I promised a picture of my incredible birthday cake. If you recall, I mentioned that it was missing a little of the icing toward the back of the cake. As you can clearly see, I was telling the truth. But there is a funny story that accompanies my birthday cake. Here it goes:

I ran a quick errand before we all met for dinner at Bizzy's. While I was away, my hubby removed the cake from the container and placed it on the kitchen table. As he added the candles, he noticed the not so noticeable (!) spot on the cake. He called Bill over to take a look.

"What do you think happened? Think someone at the bakery took a bite? Or maybe a mouse got into it at the bakery?" Upon closer inspection, Bill noticed what looked to be fork marks.
"I think Mom had a couple of bites, Dad. Look at those marks!" Upon closer inspection of my kitchen, Bill found a fork in the sink with chocolate AND lipstick. They giggled and helped themselves to a little pre-dinner dessert. (Bill's detective skills make me happy that we appear to be getting our money's worth at the U of A)

When we came home from a yummy dinner they both accused me of taking out half the cake with a fork. I proceeded to remind them that the birthday boy/girl can do anything to their cake they want. These have always been the family birthday rules.

So...I am happy to report that I had a very happy birthday and that my gifts were awesome.
On another note, I wore my Siesta tee shirt that my friend Patty mailed to me (YOU ROCK PATTYCAKE) to my bible study today. I will never wear it out in public again as long as I live unless it is to San Antonio!!! If I explained what an LPM Siesta is once, I explained it 27 times!!! And don't be telling me it can be a witnessing tool, because I can't witness to someone while they are staring at my bosom which reads: LPM SIESTAS in hot pink. I am a bit curious, though.
Have any of you other siestas been questioned when you wore your tee shirts? Let me know. This could be interesting.

Until tomorrow, jan

Uplifting stories from a Mom's heart