Sunday, January 13, 2008

Where does it all go?


My laptop is still in the operating room undergoing major surgery--although I have no idea what the IT guy is doing to it. This is my last day to play on my son's fancy schmancy laptop since he is moving back to the dorm tonight. Which brings me to my thoughts for today:


We celebrated Bill's 19th birthday at Shogun Steakhouse on Friday. It was our ninth year to celebrate at that particular restaurant. We have a Polaroid commemorating each one. (compliments of Shogun) My, my how quickly our son has grown from a boy to a man. (complete with facial hair--Bill, if you read this, that was for you sweetie...)

Joe got his driver's license and he is off with my minivan every chance he gets. They may call it the "loser cruiser" but it gets he and friends where they want to go! Which, today, is at the Razorback basketball game where they will indulge in popcorn, Cokes, and cotton candy. And of course, a little HOG calling.

I opted to stay home due to arthritis pain. This time of the year becomes more painful because of the cold weather. Sunday School and church is about all the sitting I can do for one day. So...I shall keep my post short because I don't want to sit here very long...

Pastor Floyd rocked the house today. He preached on giving yourself to others. Being passionate about it. Putting others first. Doing the right thing when no one but God is looking. Doing your very best in everything as if you're doing it for the Lord. As I sat and listened, I was reminded once again that I CAN give my all to my housework, laundry, cooking, cleaning, sewing and other MARTHA stuff. (and no, I am not talking about martha stewart. although, my friends do call me that on occasion) As I watched Bill blow out his birthday candles I recalled how fast his time with us has gone--and how glad I am that I was able to stay home and spend precious time with he and Joe.

Hollywood and the drive-by media don't give housewives a fair shake. doesn't matter what the world thinks, does it? Investing in the lives of our husbands and children is a most rich and valuable investment. Even when the dirty gym shorts fill the hampers and empty Coke cans are everywhere. When the pizza boxes and dvd boxes are stashed here and there. When I can't run the dishwasher fast enough to keep up with the load! Yes, it went fast. But what a fun ride it has been--and I still get 2 more years with Joe...

I hope you all (my five readers) have a blessed week. Until then,


Uplifting stories from a Mom's heart