Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Itsy Bitsy Arachnid


It's 11:52 and I've usually been asleep for at least two and half hours by now. But...a lousy pair of spiders are keeping me from my much needed beauty sleep. Today at lunch, Hubs came home to check on a pump in the yard. It keeps water from running into the front door when it rains for forty days and nights--much like it has here.
So...Hubs lifts the lid so he can stick his hand TWELVE OR SO INCHES into the abyss of pumpdom when he says, "Wow, look how black that spider is. I've never seen one like that." Then I say, "IT'S A BLACK WIDOW! GET YOUR HAND OUT OF THERE!" Then Hubs says, "I don't think so. It doesn't have the red mark." Then I scream, "IT'S ON HER BELLY GET YOUR HAND OUT OF THERE!" Still not believing his wife, Hubs pokes it with a stick and guess what? IT'S A BLACK WIDOW AND HER TWIN SISTER IS ABOUT 4 INCHES FROM HER.

I haven't moved that fast in YEARS, my two friends. YEARS...

Let me just say that half a can of RAID was used on those two arachnid mamas from Hades. And let me also say that one of them was so stinking big, the Hubby Foot of Death had to squish her back into the earth from which she came.

And all of this on EARTH DAY.


p.s. Always look before you put your hand in a dark, damp, hole. Those black widows are busy eating their Hubs for lunch :)

Uplifting stories from a Mom's heart